May 31, 2014
Thank you for investing in her future!
Thank you to everyone who supported the Women's Fund of the Capital Region's participation in the Freihofer's Community Walk, held at the Empire State Plaza.
Together we surpassed our goal, raising $2,381! These funds will help us to expand the scholarships we award to women in the coming academic year to two additional colleges (adding to our programs at Hudson Valley Community College and Schenectady County Community College -- where we are already the largest single scholarship sponsor). These scholarships provide more than just financial relief; according to one recipient: "Your generosity told me I mattered and that I could succeed because there were people that believed in me."
Thank you also to our walking team! Below, from left: Kim Cardillo, Tricia Tauss, Andrea Fagan, Kate Dudding, Doris Chow and Megan Allen (accompanied by Elena Mattison and Jack Marino, in strollers). Missing from photo are team members Sue Fischle and Mary Beth Allen. Thank you to the team for taking time out of their weekend to represent the Women's Fund and raise funds that will make an incredible difference in the lives of women in our community.